NCIT Summer School 2011
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High Performance Computing & Embedded Systems Programming
June - July-2011
Location: Room EF108, First Floor, EF Wing. Proposed Agenda: Wiki: Keynote Speech: Prof. Dan Negrut - University of Wisconsin; Tuesday 14.06.2011 - 11AM Enabling High Performance Computational Dynamics in a Heterogenous Hardware Excosystem Abstract: This presentation outlines a software infrastructure (tools and libraries) that supports physics-based simulation on
heterogeneous and distributed computing environments. The heterogeneous hardware infrastructure is assumed to be a
combination of Central Processing Units (CPUs) and Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). The computational dynamics applications
targeted include large rigid/flexible body dynamics and fluid-solid interaction problems. The underlying theme of the software
solution is that of partitioning the problem of interest into a number of sub-problems, each managed by a separate core/accelerator
(CPU/GPU) pair. The five components at the core of this Heterogeneous Computing Template (HCT) are: (a) a method for geometric
domain decomposition; (b) methods for proximity computation; (c) support for moving data within the heterogeneous hardware
ecosystem to mirror the migration of simulation elements from sub-problem to sub-problem; (d) parallel numerical methods; and
(e) tools for carrying out visualization and post-processing in a distributed manner. The talk will briefly discuss how these five
components have been implemented to leverage a 32-GPU (Fermi) and 64-CPU core cluster running CUDA and MPI.
The selection is done based on submitted CVs & letter of intent. Please send your CV & letter of intent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , and indicate the subject you would like to study in this summer's intenship. The internships are also be available on Teme Propuse pentru editia din 2011: Documentarea, proiectarea, monitorizarea si administrare in sisteme LAN, WAN, si HPC: 3. Aplicatii Web pentru elaborarea si distribuirea de continut audio-video:-Google Web Toolkit & VideoLAN Aplicatii HPC si de Scientific Computing: 1. Modelare si simulare in domeniul aerospatial 7. Modelare si simulare in domeniul seismologiei Embedded Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks & Robots: 1. Swarm robotics - platforme robotice miniatura cu capabilitati de comunicatie wireless
Android Computing: 1. Game programming: 3D graphics on mobile devices This Summer School was partially supported by the HP-SEE -High-Performance Computing Infrastructure for South East Europe’s Research Communities EU FP7 Project: |
Organizers & Hosts: PhD. Valentin Cristea - Professor PhD. Emil Slusanschi - Associate Professor PhD. Mugurel Andreica - Lecturer PhD. Ciprian Dobre - Lecturer PhD. Florin Pop - Lecturer MSc. Alexandru Herisanu - Assistant Professor PhD. Dan Tudose - Assistant Professor MSc. Alexandru Olteanu - Assistant Professor MSc. Andrei Voinescu - Assistant Professor MSc. Catalin Leordeanu - Assistant Professor PhD. Eliana Tirsa - Assistant Professor Eng. Razvan Dobre Eng. Dan Dragomir
Teme Propuse 2011
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- Hits: 5035
Administrare sisteme HPC:
1. Configurare, gestionare si administrare de retele de calculatoare de mari dimensiuni
2. Actualizarea Primer-ului HPC pentru Clusterele CS-NCIT
Aplicatii High Performance Scientific Computing:
1. Modelare si simulare in domeniul seismologiei
2. Modelare si simulare in domeniul meteorologiei
3. Modelare si simulare in domeniul dinamicii moleculare
4. Modelare si simulare in domeniul aerospatial
5. Dezvoltarea de aplicatii pe arhitecturi multi-core eterogene (Cell/B.E.) si omogene (Intel/AMD)
6. ADiJaC - Automatic Differentiation of Java Programs
Embedded Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks & Robots:
1. Localization & Tracking on Wireless Sensor Networks
2. Dezvoltarea unei platforme mobile robotice experimentale
3. Controler logic programabil
4. AVR-Box
5. Round Table Discussion